apple is good for:
. dental health
. anti-lung cancer
. controlling weight
. lowering asthma risk
. blood sugar regulation

//\ ||| -= unfortunately my juicer is not one of those crazy, super-efficient, $500 juicers & yields less juice from the same amount of produce, but in the end it gives me what i need so i can't complain. the issue here is that i have to use so much produce just to make a single glass of juice. & in this recipe, i actually ended up having to throw in four more carrots -- all the more reason to shop strictly at farmer's markets which are much fresher & much cheaper than your regular supermarket.

//\ ||| -= i used a baby sized beetroot in this recipe, & combined with the carrots & apple i finally discovered the perfect ratio of ingredients for a deliciously sweet beetroot juice! previously i'd used way too much beetroot which made for an almost unbearably overpowering flavor & had my stomach feeling not-so-amazing after consuming. apparently you're always supposed to juice beetroot with ample amounts of other veggies anyway.

//\ ||| -= some consider this ABC (apple, beetroot, carrot) juice the "miracle juice" as, with regular intake, it can prevent bad cells forming in your body as well as restrain the growth of ones that already exist, thus it is ideal for those wishing to fight cancers & other diseases.

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