sweet potato is good for:
. anti-inflammatory
. immunity boosting
. strengthening eyesight
. regulating blood-sugar levels
. antioxidant for anti-aging & cancer prevention

//\ ||| -= you can use whichever milk you wish, as well as whichever sweetener you wish. i'll probably opt for just plain soymilk next time. some people like to add a drop or two of vanilla extract, i finished mine with a sprinkling of cinnamon. & it's a good idea to add your sweeteners after blending & tasting, as this latte gets very sweet very fast.

//\ ||| -= if you suffer from allergies & are dreading the forthcoming spring, consuming local raw honey daily will help ward off those unbearable symptoms of sneezing, itchiness, & congestion. invest in the honey most local to you. there is no point in immunizing yourself against allergens in africa when you live in l.a.

~ thank you to: maria & her mum for the latte idea, rhg for reminding me about hempmilk, sabina for the honey tip ~

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