grapefruit is good for:
. antiseptic
. weight loss
. detoxing the liver
. arthritis prevention
. reducing cholesterol levels
. cancer & stroke risk reduction

//\ ||| -= i really could've done with just one of those three bits of beetroot. crazy strong.

//\ ||| -= when juicing citrus fruits, be sure to peel them completely beforehand otherwise you'll end up with some bitter-ass juice. however, the peel is actually very good for you &, to lessen waste, can be made into candy, marmalade, tea, or a face scrub!

//\ ||| -= sorry for using the same ol' ingredients, if you read my main squeeze you'd know i'm in a cast & crutches at the moment, so it's been a challenge having to depend on others to get my groceries lately! will change up the mixes soon, i promise.

1 comment:

  1. oooh… yum. this one sounds delicious. must try. thanks.
